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Enfants attachant leurs chaussures
Boy Lancer Basketball
Ceintures de judo
Les enfants qui jouent au soccer
Écoliers, méditer
patins à roues alignées
The HAJIME association in a few words ...

The practice of sport requires the young athlete to learn a specific body technique which results in a mastery of certain coordination, dissociations, the management of force, but also emotional and cognitive aspects, such as the apprehension of space. , the relationship to the group, to the team, the knowledge of the body diagram, etc. So many skills that can be multiplied into many objectives within the reach of all those who have an interest in sport if it is approached in an appropriate way. The achievement of these objectives reinforce self-esteem, allows children to experience in a positive way their body but also their relationship to the group, to the other. These small traces of a positive experience will then enrich the resources of the child by filling his little toolbox to face the different situations of their daily life.

The goal of the "HAJIME" project is to allow children from 4 to 12 years old to discover a sport in an environment respectful of their development and particularly attentive to their needs. This involves offering an extra-curricular activity to children with certain difficulties (learning difficulties, language disorders, dys, attention deficit, school phobia, etc.) but not requiring therapeutic care in order to to support them in their development. Considered secondary prevention, these sessions, organized over a semester, will offer children the opportunity to discover a sporting practice while working on certain specific and transversal skills such as adjustment, coordination and anticipation capacities.

To complete this offer, the animators will also be at the disposal of families in order to make it possible to make a link between the experiences made in the sports sessions and the daily lives of the children. The expertise of those involved in the field of psychomotor therapy will also make it possible to answer any questions that may be raised within the limits of the secondary prevention mandate defined by the project.

The emphasis will be placed specifically in the supervision of the sessions to develop the content of the lessons while always remaining as close as possible to the group and its movements. This is to allow all children to benefit from these moments of sharing and meeting with others and, perhaps, the best version of themselves that it would suffice to reveal to them!

For who?

For all children between 4 and 12 years old who want to regain their confidence, develop their self-esteem and develop their psychomotor skills through sports.

A maximum of 12 children per group will be considered in order to guarantee quality in the support of each child in their individuality.


By who?

Julien Ravier. Sportsman since his childhood, Julien practices judo at a high level and in competition and later rugby. In parallel with his sports practice, he teaches judo to children, showing an interest in the transmission of his passion. Aware of the importance of the relationship between body and psyche proven in his sports practice, he joined the HETS of Geneva in 2018, in psychomotricity sector. During his studies, he developed a project combining Judo and psychomotor skills in the field of prevention for children aged 3-4, which will be the basis of the current "HAJIME" project. In carrying out this project, Julien concretizes the idea of creating a link between his posture as an athlete and his profession as a psychomotor therapist.

Xenia Velebit . Practicing dance since the age of four, Xenia quickly oriented her interest in transmitting her passion to the younger generation. Then arises the need to deepen her knowledge which is accomplished by a bachelor at HETS in psychomotricity at the end of which she begins to work with young children while taking the direction of a dance school in Geneva. His diploma work on body image in high-level athletes (2012) marked the beginning of his desire to build a bridge between the sports field and psychomotricity which is materialized today in the "HAJIME" project.

It is planned to enlarge the team by other interveners either psychomotor therapists or sports instructors-trainers. The groups will always be led in tandems composed of a sports trainer and a psychomotor therapist, thus offering a framework that allows both an attentive look at the development of the child and his fulfillment from a point of view of the child. psychomotor organization, and effective learning of a sport in its more traditional aspect, with objectives set according to the age and needs of the children in the group.

The aim of this work in pairs is not to distort the practice of sport by calling on the resources of trainers specializing in their sport and also to give children the opportunity to project themselves into a model specialized in a sporting technique. The role of the psychomotor therapist is to decode the movements of the groups, the verbal or non-verbal manifestations of the children in their games, to ensure that the notion of performance is excluded from the main objective of these sessions and to adjust the proposals for the coach in order to make them accessible to all in a refined analysis of the psychomotor organization of each participant.

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